pygeobase package


pygeobase.io_base module

class pygeobase.io_base.GriddedBase(path, grid, ioclass, mode='r', fn_format='{:04d}', ioclass_kws=None)[source]

Bases: object

The GriddedBase class uses another IO class together with a grid object to read/write a dataset under the given path.

  • path (string) – Path to dataset.
  • grid (pygeogrids.BasicGrid of CellGrid instance) – Grid on which the time series data is stored.
  • ioclass (class) – IO class.
  • mode (str, optional) – File mode and can be read ‘r’, write ‘w’ or append ‘a’. Default: ‘r’
  • fn_format (str, optional) – The string format of the cell files. Default: ‘{:04d}’
  • ioclass_kws (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments for the ioclass. Default: None

Context manager initialization.

Returns:self – self
Return type:GriddedStaticBase object
__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)[source]

Exit the runtime context related to this object. The file will be closed. The parameters describe the exception that caused the context to be exited.

exc_type :

exc_value :

traceback :


Close file.


Flush data.

get_spatial_subset(gpis=None, cells=None, ll_bbox=None, grid=None)[source]

Select spatial subset and return data set with new grid.

  • gpis (numpy.ndarray) – Grid point indices.
  • cells (numpy.ndarray) – Cell number.
  • ll_bbox (tuple (latmin, latmax, lonmin, lonmax)) – Lat/Lon bounding box
  • grid (pygeogrids.CellGrid) – Grid object.

dataset – New data set with for spatial subset.

Return type:

GriddedBase or child


Yield all values for all grid points.

  • data (pandas.DataFrame) – Data set.
  • gp (int) – Grid point.
read(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Takes either 1 or 2 arguments and calls the correct function which is either reading the gpi directly or finding the nearest gpi from given lat,lon coordinates and then reading it

write(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Takes either 1 or 2 arguments and calls the correct function which is either writing the gpi directly or finding the nearest gpi from given lat,lon coordinates and then writing it.

class pygeobase.io_base.GriddedStaticBase(path, grid, ioclass, mode='r', fn_format='{:04d}', ioclass_kws=None)[source]

Bases: pygeobase.io_base.GriddedBase

The GriddedStaticBase class uses another IO class together with a grid object to read/write a dataset under the given path.

class pygeobase.io_base.GriddedTsBase(path, grid, ioclass, mode='r', fn_format='{:04d}', ioclass_kws=None)[source]

Bases: pygeobase.io_base.GriddedBase

The GriddedTsBase class uses another IO class together with a grid object to read/write a time series dataset under the given path.


Yield time series for all grid points. :Yields: * data (object) –

pygeobase.object_base.TS object
  • gp (int) – Grid point.
read_ts(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Takes either 1 or 2 arguments and calls the correct function which is either reading the gpi directly or finding the nearest gpi from given lat,lon coordinates and then reading it

write_ts(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Takes either 1, 2 or 3 arguments (the last one always needs to be the data to be written) and calls the correct function which is either writing the gp directly or finding the nearest gp from given lon, lat coordinates and then reading it.

class pygeobase.io_base.ImageBase(filename, mode='r', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

ImageBase class serves as a template for i/o objects used for reading and writing image data.

  • filename (str) – Filename path.
  • mode (str, optional) – Opening mode. Default: r

Close file.


Flush data.


Read data of an image file.

Returns:image – pygeobase.object_base.Image object
Return type:object

Read data of an image file and mask the data according to specifications.

Returns:image – pygeobase.object_base.Image object
Return type:object
resample_data(image, index, distance, windowRadius, **kwargs)[source]

Takes an image and resample (interpolate) the image data to arbitrary defined locations given by index and distance.

  • image (object) – pygeobase.object_base.Image object
  • index (np.array) – Index into image data defining a look-up table for data elements used in the interpolation process for each defined target location.
  • distance (np.array) – Array representing the distances of the image data to the arbitrary defined locations.

image – pygeobase.object_base.Image object

Return type:


write(image, **kwargs)[source]

Write data to an image file.

Parameters:image (object) – pygeobase.object_base.Image object
class pygeobase.io_base.MultiTemporalImageBase(path, ioclass, mode='r', fname_templ='', datetime_format='', subpath_templ=None, ioclass_kws=None, exact_templ=True, dtime_placeholder='datetime')[source]

Bases: object

The MultiTemporalImageBase class make use of an ImageBase object to read/write a sequence of multi temporal images under a given path.

  • path (string) – Path to dataset.
  • ioclass (class) – IO class.
  • mode (str, optional) – File mode and can be read ‘r’, write ‘w’ or append ‘a’. Default: ‘r’
  • fname_templ (str) – Filename template of the data to read. Default placeholder for parsing datetime information into the fname_templ is “{datetime}”. e.g. “ASCAT_{datetime}” will be translated into the filename for the date 2007-01-01.
  • datetime_format (str) – String specifying the format of the datetime object to be parsed into the fname_template. e.g. “%Y/%m” will result in 2007/01 for datetime 2007-01-01 12:15:00
  • subpath_templ (list, optional) – If given it is used to generate a sub-paths from the given timestamp. Each item in the list represents one folder level. This can be used if the files for May 2007 are e.g. in folders 2007/05/ then the files can be accessed via the list [‘%Y’, ‘%m’].
  • ioclass_kws (dict) – Additional keyword arguments for the ioclass.
  • exact_templ (boolean, optional) – If True then the fname_templ matches the filename exactly. If False then the fname_templ will be used in glob to find the file.
  • dtime_placeholder (str) – String used in fname_templ as placeholder for datetime. Default value is “datetime”.

Context manager initialization.

Returns:self – self
Return type:GriddedBaseTs object
__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)[source]

Exit the runtime context related to this object. The file will be closed. The parameters describe the exception that caused the context to be exited.

exc_type :

exc_value :

traceback :


Close file.

daily_images(day, **kwargs)[source]

Yield all images for a day.

Parameters:day ( –
Returns:img – pygeobase.object_base.Image object
Return type:object

Flush data.


Return the timestamp contained in a given file name in accordance to the defined fname_templ.

Parameters:filename (string) – File name.
Returns:tstamp – Time stamp according to fname_templ as datetime object.
Return type:datetime.dateime
iter_images(start_date, end_date, **kwargs)[source]

Yield all images for a given date range.

  • start_date ( or datetime.datetime) – start date
  • end_date ( or datetime.datetime) – end date

image – pygeobase.object_base.Image object

Return type:


read(timestamp, **kwargs)[source]

Return an image for a specific timestamp.

Parameters:timestamp (datetime.datetime) – Time stamp.
Returns:image – pygeobase.object_base.Image object
Return type:object
resample_image(*args, **kwargs)[source]
tstamps_for_daterange(start_date, end_date)[source]

Return all valid timestamps in a given date range. This method must be implemented if iteration over images should be possible.

  • start_date ( or datetime.datetime) – start date
  • end_date ( or datetime.datetime) – end date

dates – list of datetimes

Return type:


write(timestamp, data, **kwargs)[source]

Write image data for a given timestamp.

  • timestamp (datetime.datetime) – exact timestamp of the image
  • data (object) – pygeobase.object_base.Image object
class pygeobase.io_base.StaticBase(filename, mode='r', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

The StaticBase class serves as a template for i/o objects used in GriddedStaticBase.

  • filename (str) – File name.
  • mode (str, optional) – Opening mode. Default: r

Close file.


Flush data.


Read data for given grid point.

Parameters:gpi (int) – Grid point index.
Returns:data – Data set.
Return type:numpy.ndarray

Write data.

Parameters:data (numpy.ndarray) – Data records.
class pygeobase.io_base.TsBase(filename, mode='r', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

The TsBase class serves as a template for i/o objects used in GriddedTsBase.

  • filename (str) – File name.
  • mode (str, optional) – Opening mode. Default: r

Close file.


Flush data.

read_ts(gpi, **kwargs)[source]

Read time series data for given grid point.

Parameters:gpi (int) – Grid point index.
Returns:data – pygeobase.object_base.TS object.
Return type:object
write_ts(gpi, data, **kwargs)[source]

Write data.

  • gpi (int) – Grid point index.
  • data (object) – pygeobase.object_base.TS object.

pygeobase.object_base module

class pygeobase.object_base.Image(lon, lat, data, metadata, timestamp, timekey=None)[source]

Bases: object

The Image class represents the base object of an image.

  • lon (numpy.array) – array of longitudes
  • lat (numpy.array) – array of latitudes
  • data (dict) – dictionary of numpy arrays that holds the image data for each variable of the dataset
  • metadata (dict) – dictionary that holds metadata
  • timestamp (datetime.datetime) – exact timestamp of the image
  • timekey (str, optional) – Key of the time variable, if available, stored in data dictionary.
class pygeobase.object_base.TS(gpi, lon, lat, data, metadata)[source]

Bases: object

The TS class represents the base object of a time series.

  • lon (float) – Longitude of the time series
  • lat (float) – Latitude of the time series
  • data (pandas.DataFrame) – Pandas DataFrame that holds data for each variable of the time series
  • metadata (dict) – dictionary that holds metadata
plot(*args, **kwargs)[source]

wrapper for pandas.DataFrame.plot which adds title to plot and drops NaN values for plotting

Returns:ax – matplotlib axes of the plot
Return type:axes

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